* Red T-Shirt with school's mono embroidered on it.
- Blue Skirt/ Blue half - pant.
- Blue socks with red stripes.
- Blue - coloured shoes with red stripes. WINTER UNIFORM Red T-Shirt with school's mono embroidered on it.
- Carbon - blue pullover with school's mono embroidered on it.
- Carbon - blue lowers.
- Blue socks with red stripes
- Blue - coloured shoes with red stripes.
From 1st April to 31st June (Mon. to Fri.) & 1st July to 31st March (on Mondays)
- * White Shirt with half - sleeves with School's mono, embroidered on nnricAtc
- * White Full Pants School's White Socks with Red Stripes.
- * White Shoes (Mondays)
- * Black Shoes with laces (Tuesday to Saturdays)
- * Black School Belt
- * Military - cut hair with not more than 2.5 cm in length & of equal length from all the sides.
* White Shirt of half sleeves with School mono, embroidered on pockets
- White Skirts (Ill to XII) till knee length.
- Black shorts.
- White Socks with Red Stripes.
- White Shoes (Monday)
- Black Shoes with laces (Tuesday to Saturday)
- Black School Belt.
- Shoulder - length hair must be made into 2 ponies/double plaits.
- Girls should use White Hair Band and should not leave hair loose.
BOYS From 1st July to 31st March (Tuesday to Saturday)
* White Shirt with half - sleeves with school's mono embroidered on pockets (III to XII)
- Carbon Blue Full Pant (Tuesday to Saturday)
- White Socks with red stripes
- Black Shoes. (Tuesday to Saturday)
- School Tie
- Black School Belt
- Military - cut hair should not be more than 2.5 cm in length & of equal length from all the sides.

GIRLS From 1st July to 31st March (Tuesday to Saturday)
* Half - sleeved white shirt with School's mono, embroidered on pockets
- Carbon Blue Skirts
- White Socks with red stripes
- Black shorts.
- Black Shoes
- White Ribbon / White Hair Band (All the days)
- School Tie
- Black School Belt
- Shoulder length hair must be made into 2 ponies/double plaits.
- Girls should use White Hair Band and should not leave hair loose.
Carbon - blue blazer with School's mono, embroidered on the pocket.
- No student is allowed to enter inside school premises to attend any class & function without proper school uniform.
- Identity card and school diary must be brought every day .
- Vests should be worn compulsorily under the shirts.
- Sports uniform should be compulsorily worn during all sports events.
- Carbon blue ribbons/bands to be used by girls.
- Girls of class Ill onwards must wear black shorts under the skirt every day.
- Students are not allowed to wear make-up or jewellery to school.
- Watches can only be worn from class V onwards. No fancy watches are allowed.
- Girls having long hair must tie their hair in two plaits and no single pony is allowed in school.
- Sikh boys are supposed to wear black coloured turban only.
- Colouring of Hair is not allowed in school.
- Henna & Tattoos are not permitted in school.
- Boys are not permitted to wear earrings or any other jewellery to school.