Weekly Tests Weekly tests are conducted every week on Monday & Thursday for classes Nur - V & XI where as for classes VI - X tests are conducted on Mondays only. Along with weekly tests Pre Mid term & Post Mid term tests also will be conducted in classes VI-X. Pre Vid Term test wil be covering 25% of the syllabus where as Post Mid term will be covering 75% of the syllabus Pre Mid term will be conducted during 2nd 13rd week of July and Post Mid term will be conducted in 2nd I 3rd week of January. Weight age of Pre & Post Mid term tests will be taken for final calculation of over all results. It is compulsory to appear in these tests. There shall be no retest and child will be awarded zero in case of absence. There will be separate objective type tests for the students of class - X & XII on Saturdays for IIT PET JEE MAINS preparation